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Art Visit, San Francisco Bay Area

Art Visit connects artists with art collectors. Visit artists in their studios. Get the best artwork before anyone else.

Prepare for Art Visit with Adia Millett.

Artist Adia Millett lives and works in San Francisco, California.

Adia Millett is an Oakland based artist working in sculpture, textiles, embroidery, painting, collage, drawing, installation and video. Adia is a contemporary American multi-media artist. "My process is informed by taking things apart, removing, replacing, cutting, pasting, sewing, and building, in order to discover the space where transitions occur and where stories of impermanence unfold."

Learn more about Adia.

Book Art Visit with Adia

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Only people with exact link can access this profile page. Please contact Amanda at +1 (415) 233-1665 to update your profile and discuss your availability for studio visits.