Sherri Silverman’s art is transcendental. Her work is intentional but joyful and free. It is emotional, balanced and thought through, like good poetry. Since the beginning of her artistic career, Sherri's paintings have been flying off the shelfs. Most of her artwork has sold after appearing on gallery walls.

Sherri has always created art in inspiring places. She lived in Santa Barbara, in Santa Fe’s  flourishing artist community, and now in Marin County. Sherri's studio is in her house, deep in Lagunitas woods, not far north from the Golden Gate Bridge. This unusual setup is one of many things that inspires Sherri's work. Her artwork is inspired by long coastal hikes and consistent meditation practice.

Sherri refers to her studio as the place where the magic happens! Indeed, the smell of the forest mixing with the odor of paints, natural pigments and oriental inks, gives her studio a magical quality. Every nook and cranny is full of art supplies, spiritual books and reference photos of oriental god's statues. Sherri likes to experiment with Japanese calligraphy brushes and handmade papers.

Sherri is a master in pastel and watercolor. Her artwork always asks for attention. Her compositions are surprising, but always balanced. They depict dreamy desert landscapes with magical blue skies. They look fresh but somehow familiar. She uses flat shades of primary colors and includes symbols that channel tantric yoga. Her older pastel drawings in particular contain transcendental iconography. I can imagine Sherri easily illustrating the Story of One Thousand and One Nights.

Sherri's current style is abstract, spontaneous and almost naive. She approaches the canvas with a child-like freedom but with the intention of a Zen master. Importantly, all of Sherri's artwork feels universally accessible and radiates positivity and joy of life. Visiting Sherri felt like peering behind the curtain of the ordinary world. She presented us with hidden emotions and positive energy. Her paintings seemed to be able to slow down time and lift us into the present moment. 

Book Art Visit with Sherri