Tom Schultz's paintings are the same as his conversation style. They are direct and honest. They don't hide anything. Tom's art is bold and impactful. He has never been afraid of empty canvas. His art is eye-catching and masculine.

Abstract Expressionism had a huge influence on Tom's art. He approaches the canvas with Pollock's confidence. Tom's brush strokes are well composed, his color choices are bold. He uses Mondrian's primary color palette with expressive black gaps. Tom's style is actionable. In the way of Franz Klein, Tom's dramatically divides the canvas with thick black lines.

Tom's art feels fresh and up to date. It is hard to believe, that I'm looking at the paintings of a seasoned artist. Tom's paintings have the energy comparable with contemporary graffiti art. Tom creates riveting colors compositions by bold gestural brushstrokes with fine details. Tom's paintings look like living street structures, abstract roadmaps or next generation satellite imagery. 

Due to nature of his painting style, Tom's artwork is open to interpretations. To me, they look like a colorful cityscapes or a vibrant reflections of our fast paced lives. Regardless of the meaning, Tom's paintings are a direct expression of his wild nature and untamed artistic creativity.

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